VNI Services
BluAgile™ Solutions for Business
VNI offers Preference & Wellness Profiling for Business & Teams in Your Domain.
- Thinking Preference Profiling
- Organisational Wellness Profiling
- SMME Readiness Profiling
Thinking in style
There is a deep seeded blueprint which underpins human-work relationships and processes. Understanding the mental construct of an individual or organisation is the first step in evaluating the efficacy of change facilitation. Thinking Preference Profiling offers a window unto our attitudes to change, and highlights the possibility of adaptation to sustainable change. Work with VNI to remodel work relationships according to your personal change propensity signature.
- Interpret change signatures
- Integrated advisory & consultation
- Systems & process remodeling
- Turnkey consulting & facilitation
Business Niche Consulting
Discover your niche through VNI Business Consulting, and apply BluAgile™ Solutions in Your Domain.
- Organisation Strategy
- Diagnostic & Assessment
- Organisation Design
- Startup Advisory
- Safety Management
- Large Scale Transformation
- System Implementation
- Organisation Culture
- Business Excellence
Project Management BluPrint
- Transformation & Change Management
- Integrated Management System
- Curriculum & Training Programme Accreditation
- Training Material Content Development
- Document Management System
- Research Assistance & Facilitation
Coaching & Mentoring
Training Provider Accreditation
Quality Council for Trades & Occupations
The Quality Council for Trades and Occupations is a Quality Council established in 2010 in terms of the Skills Development Act. Its role is to oversee the design, implementation, assessment and certification of occupational qualifications on the Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF).
The QCTO is one of three Quality Councils (QCs) responsible for a part of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). Collectively, the Quality Councils and the South African Qualifications Authority (whose role is to advance the objectives of the NQF and oversee its development and implementation), all work for the good of both learners and employers. Another important role for the QCTO is to offer guidance to service providers who must be accredited by the QCTO to offer occupational qualifications.
Following the format of the organizing framework for Occupations (QFO), occupational qualifications are categorised into the eight major employment groups.
- Managers
- Professionals
- Technicians and Associate Professionals
- Clerical Support Workers
- Service and Sales Workers
- Skilled agriculture, forestry, fisheries, craft and related trades
- Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
- Elementary Occupations
Our vision is to qualify a skilled and capable workforce; our mission is to effectively and efficiently manage the occupational qualifications sub-framework in order to set standards, develop and quality assure national occupational qualifications for all who want a trade or occupation and, where appropriate, professions.
Council on Higher Education
The Council on Higher Education is an independent statutory body established in May 1998 in terms of the Higher Education Act (Act No 101 of 1997), as amended and it functions as the Quality Council for Higher Education in terms of the National Qualifications Framework Act (Act No 67 0f 2008). The functions of the CHE are as follows:
- To provide advice to the Minister of Higher Education and Training on all aspects of higher education policy.
- To develop and implement a system of quality assurance for higher education, including programme accreditation, institutional audits, quality promotion and capacity development, standards development and the implementation of the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework (HEQSF).
- To monitor and report on the state of the higher education system, including assessing whether, how, to what extent and with what consequences the vision, policy goals and objectives for higher education are being realised.
- To contribute to the development of higher education through intellectual engagement with key national and systemic issues, including international trends, producing publications, holding conferences and conducting research to inform and contribute to addressing the short and long-term challenges facing higher education.
The CHE has executive responsibility for quality assurance and promotion and discharges this responsibility through the establishment of a permanent committee (as required by the Higher Education Act), the Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC). VNI Consultants, through our associates’ network, assists organisation interested to be registered as an education and training provider with registration and accreditation taking cognisance of the governing elements required to function as a higher education and training provider, as follows:
- Advising, formulating and developing the bespoke strategic direction of the higher education institution in need
- Monitoring and evaluation of the application process
- Development of policy, criteria and standards for the intended higher education qualifications offered by the higher education institution
- Guide the development, registration and publication of qualifications
- Advising and conducting audits of the quality assurance systems of the higher education institution.
- Advising and assisting with the accreditation of new programmes submitted by the higher education institution in need thereof, as well as the re-accreditation of existing programmes offered by private providers;
- Advising and assisting with the re-accreditation of existing programmes in specific subject fields and qualification levels, for the higher education institution in need thereof;
- Advise on administrative, financial, technical and professional services to support the overall application for registration and accreditation with the CHE.
VNI has established ourselves as a service provider in the Training Material and Content Development arenas whom renders a professional and cost effective service to our clients. Not only does VNI Consultants implement and maintain training material and content aligned with both our client’s strategic needs, we also ensure that these solutions answer to the appropriate legal requirements (QCTO and CHE). VNI uses its BluAgile methodology to develop and implement bespoke training content and material as follows:
Analysis and Diagnostics
Understanding the challenge at hand is shaped through an in-depth diagnosis of the organisation of which the outcome provides the scope of the anticipated intervention.
Design and Development
Once a project has been scoped and proper management action plans are agreed, a gap analysis is conducted and business processes, reporting structures and support systems are identified and tested for inclusion in the anticipated project.
Facilitated Implementation and Accreditation
VNI Consultants follows a facilitated process to collect, align and verify training material and content. As a result project outcomes deliver tangible features with ongoing management and support and may include all or some of the components listed below:
- Learner Guide and Workbook
- Assessors Guide
- Facilitators Guide and Presentation Slides
- Audit Pack
The above deliverables are standard guidelines that can be mirrored into any workplace, using VNI’s Rubic Echelon tools and techniques.
NOTE: Use VNI’s BluAgile methodology to develop bespoke Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Solutions or receive guidance with registration and accreditation with the QCTO or CHE, which not only supports governance requirements but also favourably influence the organisation’s social position.
Research Assistance & Facilitation
The VNI BluAgile™ Methodology assists researchers with their research projects. We possess over a broad range of subject matter expertise and a deep understanding of the relevant research design and methodologies principles. Our research facilitation services primary activities include assisting researchers to develop the research journey including quality research deliverable. Interested researchers may request an appointment with our subject information specialists who will provide advice on defining or refining your research problem, research aim and objectives, research questions and developing a research strategy supported by our able research coaches. In addition, our research coach will further assist you with guidance on the dissemination of your research for publishing.
Research Data Analysis
Quantitative Data Analysis
Mixed Method
Qualitative Data Analysis
NBI Practitioner
VNI prepares interested parties that completed the BCom Business Management with electives in Creativity Management to be credentialed as a world renowned NBI Whole-brain Thinking Practitioner.
Transformation Practitioner
VNI prepares interested parties that completed the Higher Certificate in Management of Technology and Innovation with electives in Transformation Management to be credentialed as a Transformation Practitioner founded in our BluAgile™ Transformation Methodology.
ICF Coach
VNI assists prospective coaches preparing themselves with understanding of coaching ethics and standards required to be credentialed as an international coach, how to co-create the coaching relationship, communicating effectively during coaching sessions, how to facilitate learning outcomes and to formulate personal development actions.