Short Courses
VNI provides a variety of dynamic short courses in areas of business management, some of which may be considered eligible towards your NQF credit.
Virtual Network International
Business Plan
R0.00 -
Change Agent
R12,000.00 -
Conflict Handling
R12,000.00 -
Direct Partner Sales
R12,000.00 -
Entrepreneur Development
R12,000.00 -
HRD Intervention
R12,000.00 -
Individual Growth
R12,000.00 -
Leadership Development
R12,000.00 -
R0.00 -
Organisational Diagnostic
R12,000.00 -
Presentation Skills
R12,000.00 -
Process Engineering
R12,000.00 -
Product Awareness
R12,000.00 -
Shop Steward